Election Worker Information

The Putnam County Board of Elections is always looking to hire new Election Workers. All positions areĀ paidĀ and the hours are from 5:00 A.M. until the Chair Election Inspector has fulfilled all the responsibilities in regard to closing the polls, approximately 9:30 P.M.

If you have any additional questions or concerns please call the Putnam County Board of Elections at (845) 808-1300, or contact us by e-mail at BOETRAINING@PUTNAMCOUNTYNY.GOV orĀ click hereĀ to submit an Electronic Application.

Please read the following for more information about becoming an Election Worker:

General Qualifications:
  • Must be a registered voter in Putnam County, New York
  • Must be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican Party
  • Must be able to read and write English
  • Must have transportation
  • Must be able to work all day from 5:00 A.M. until 9:30/10:00 P.M.
  • Must attend a training class prior to working each election (Election Workers are paidĀ $25Ā for each class attended)
  • Must take an annual Election Worker exam

Benefits of Becoming an Election Worker:
  • Learn about how the election process and government works
  • Great way to meet your neighbors and become involved in your community
  • Earn extra money
  • Have fun while you help others

Available Positions:

Polling Place Coordinator
  • Retrieves the polling place coordinator supply suitcase the day before the election and/or returns it at the end of election night.
  • Responsible for the entire set up and take down of a polling place (this includes placement of the voting machines, privacy booths, tables, chairs, cones, and signs).
  • Greets every person that walks into the polling place and either directs them to the sign-in table or help desk.
  • Acts as a ā€œfloaterā€ and assists the sign-in table, ballot table, help desk, voting machines or privacy booths when necessary.
  • Contacts the Board of Elections to confirm information when necessary.
  • Oversees the completion of the payroll vouchers and handing out badges for every election worker in the polling place.
  • Provides Spanish language assistance when necessary.
  • Salary is $350.
Voting Machine Inspector
  • Responsible for opening, closing, and setting up the voting machine(s) and completing any related paperwork.
  • Required to operate the voting machine(s) throughout the day and must also assist any voter with any questions about using the machine.
  • Some light troubleshooting may be necessary.
  • Returns used privacy folders and markers to the ballot table(s).
  • Salary is $325.
Table Chair
  • Oversees and participates in the setup/takedown of each sign-in table(s).
  • Oversees and participates in the processing of voters via electronic poll books.
  • Processes voters by verifying the name, address, date of birth, and signature of each voter in the poll book.
  • Gives each voter that signs the poll book a receipt that contains the voterā€™s name, election district and whether they have spoiled a ballot.
  • Directs voter(s) to the ballot table(s).
  • Directs voter(s) to the help desk when the voter(s) cannot be processed via poll book.
  • Oversees the processing of voter(s) that receive a court order.
  • Oversees the completion of the inspector certification report.
  • Retrieves the sign-in table supply suitcase the day before the election and returns it at the end of election night.
  • Salary is $325.
Ballot Table Chair
  • Retrieves all ballot boxes and the ballot table supply suitcase from the Coordinator.
  • Oversees and participates in the setup/takedown of each ballot table(s).
  • Oversees and participates in the completion of each ballot transmittal form in the AM and PM.
  • Oversees the collection of receipts from each voter, confirming the election district on the receipt matches the ballot being handed out to the voter and recording and initialing the stub number on the receipt.
  • Confirms that each voter has been handed a marker and offered a privacy folder.
  • Oversees and participates in the processing of spoiled ballots, abandoned ballots, unreadable emergency ballots, and the completion of the corresponding inspector certification paperwork.
  • Seals two ballot bags at the end of election night.
  • Salary is $325.
Help Desk Chair
  • Retrieves help desk supply suitcase from the Coordinator.
  • Oversees and participates in the setup/takedown of the help desk.
  • Contacts the Board of Elections to confirm information when necessary.
  • Oversees and participates in the processing of affidavits for every election district in the polling place and the completion of the corresponding inspector certification paperwork.
  • Oversees and participates in the processing of Poll Watchers and/or Visitors and the completion of the corresponding inspector certification paperwork.
  • Provides Spanish language assistance when necessary.
  • Salary is $325.
Table Inspector
  • Assists the Sign-In Table Chair with setup/takedown of each sign-in table(s).
  • Processes voters by verifying the name, address, date of birth, and signature of each voter in the poll book.
  • Gives each voter that signs the poll book a receipt that contains the voterā€™s name, election district and whether they have spoiled a ballot.
  • Directs voter(s) to the ballot table(s).
  • Directs voter(s) to the help desk when the voter(s) cannot be processed via poll book.
  • Processes voter(s) that receive a court order.
  • Completes the inspector certification report.
  • Salary is $300.
Ballot Table Inspector
  • Assists the Ballot Table Chair with retrieving the ballot boxes and the ballot table supply suitcase from the Coordinator.
  • Assists the Ballot Table Chair with the setup/takedown of each ballot table(s).
  • Assists the Ballot Table Chair with the completion of each ballot transmittal form in the AM and PM.
  • Collects receipts from each voter, confirming the election district on the receipt matches the ballot being handed out to the voter and recording and initialing the stub number on the receipt.
  • Confirms that each voter has been handed a marker and offered a privacy folder.
  • Participates in the processing of spoiled ballots, abandoned ballots, unreadable emergency ballots, and the completion of the corresponding inspector certification paperwork.
  • Salary is $300.
Help Desk Inspector
  • Assists the Help Desk Chair with the setup/takedown of the help desk.
  • Assists the Coordinators with the set up and take down of a polling place.
  • Contacts the Board of Elections to confirm information when necessary.
  • Processes affidavits for every election district in the polling place and completes the corresponding inspector certification paperwork.
  • Provides Spanish language assistance when necessary.
  • Processes Poll Watchers and/or Visitors and completes the corresponding inspector certification paperwork.
  • Salary is $300.
Privacy Booth Clerk
  • Assists the Coordinators with the entire set up and take down of a polling place (this includes placement of the voting machines, privacy booths, tables, chairs, cones, and signs).
  • Sets up the privacy booths/screens in the morning and takes them down at the end of the evening.
  • Assists voters with reading and/or marking their ballot when necessary.
  • Provides Spanish language assistance when necessary.
  • Periodically inspects all privacy booths/screens for any garbage or misplaced items.
  • Returns the used markers and privacy folders to the ballot table(s).
  • Salary is $300.